SeTLisT - Nuit Noire - 100% The Smiths "maybe in the next world"

Morrissey, Marr, Joyce, Rourke... The Smiths !

(La première partie de cette émission contient une ribambelle d'extraits d'émissions radio et TV en lien avec les chansons ou la période de la vie du groupe, merci à elles. Cet article propose des liens vers l'oeuvre admirable de l'artiste AlShepMCR - sur un réseau social, désolé -, merci à lui / thank you Alan !)

Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski, Romeo et Juliette (Philharmonia Orchestra, extrait) - Générique

The Smiths Mix : Still ill - Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before - Well I wonder - You've got everything now - Hand in glove (live) - Reel around the fountain - This charming man - What difference does it make - Pretty girls make graves - Back to the old house - Heaven knows I'm miserable now - Suffer little children - William it was really nothing - That night has opened my eyes - Please please please let me get what I want - How soon is now - Barbarism begins at home - I want the one I can't have - Meat is murder - The headmaster ritual - That joke isn't funny anymore - Nowhere fast - Is it really so strange (live) - Unloveable - The queen is dead (full version) - Cemetry gates - The boy with the thorn in his side - Rubber ring - There is a light that never goes out - I know it's over - London - Panic - Ask (live) - Shoplifters of the world unite - Sweet and tender hooligan - Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me - Death of a disco dancer - A rush and a push and the land is ours - I started something I couldn't finish - Girlfriend in a coma - Paint a vulgar picture - Half a person

Live in Boston (enregistré le 5 août 1986, au Great Woods Performing Arts Center de Mansfield) : How soon is now - Hand in glove - I want the one I can't have - Never had no one ever - Stretch out and wait - The boy with the thorn in his side - Cemetry gates - Rubber ring / What she said - Is it really so strange - There is a light that never goes out - That joke isn't funny anymore - The queen is dead - I know it's over

Mike Viola and the Section Quartet, How soon is now - Placebo, Bigmouth strikes again - Holden, The boy with the thorn in his side - The Rest, Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before - Sixpence Non The Richer, I won't share you - Archive, Girlfriend in a coma - Katy Goodman, What she said - Anthrax, London - Sara Lov, Well I wonder - Tanya Donelli With Dylan In The Movies, Shoplifters of the world unite - The Welcome Wagon, Half a person - Muse, Please please please let me get what I want - Kitten, Panic

The Smiths, Bigmouth strikes again - Bonus / choose love

Découvrez l'ensemble de l'oeuvre de AlShepMCR ici.

Pour réécouter la Nuit Noire 100% The Smiths "maybe in the next world" du 20 mai 2019, c'est ici / Listen here :
Partie 1 - Partie 2 - Partie 3 (The Smiths Mix)
Partie 4 (live) - Partie 5 (reprises)

Téléchargement / Download here : Partie 1 - Partie 2 - Partie 3 - Partie 4 - Partie 5